
Monday 16 May 2016

NWmeet 2.0 Blog Event

NWmeet Blogger Meet up Diary Chocolate Fairy Lights Marble

One thing I truly love about blogging is attending blogger events. If that blogger event is hosted by a fellow blogger then chances are I will love it 8158 x more. Last month, I headed along to Ameriesko in Liverpool for the NWmeet 2.0. If you're not too sure what I'm talking about NWMeet 2.0 was a blogger meet-up organised by the fabulous Katy at The Lilac Scrapbook. Last year, I attended the NWMeet (which you can read all about here, it was fab and there was a french bulldog *hint hint*). Getting to head back to Liverpool for a second NWMeet was super exciting!

 If you're ever in Liverpool looking for a place for coffee or cake, Bold St is the place to be. I hadn't visited Ameriesko before the event but I will most certainly be going back to test out the menu! Every time someone walked by with any kind of food or drink I had to restrain myself from drooling. From milkshakes to sweet potato fries to cakes, it all looked incredible.

This time around I was feeling a little bit more like a wallflower, only flourishing and being chatty in small groups. Nevertheless, I had such a lovely time. I love blogger meet-ups simply because it gives me a chance to meet some of the girls (and guys!) that I so often chat to on social media or who's blogs I will read and adore; or it means getting to meet brand new blogger friends and that's always a good thing! It's a chance to be in a room of lots of uniquely amazing individuals who all share a love for blogging. Oh, and let's not forget the hilarity of being in a room full of people and only realizing who they are when they start screaming their twitter handle at you. Total 21st century problems.

At the event, we were joined by a lovely lady from Weleda, who talked to us about Skin Food, which by the way sounds incredible. Plus, it's all natural which is always a winner with me. Some of the girls received some Weleda products in their NWmeet goody bags so I look forward to seeing their reviews!

Katy also gracefully hosted a raffle filled with fabulous prizes. Through the raffle we managed to raise over £200 for MIND charity. This is a charity close to so many bloggers heart so it was lovely to support such a wonderful cause.

After a day filled with laughter, smiling and non-stop chatting, I headed home to have a nosy through the goody bag. It was overflowing with treats and I've only had chance to sample a few! I hope to put up a few posts in the near future of some of my favourite items from the goody bag. For now, I'll just divulge a sneak peek at a list of some of the brands that we were lucky enough to receive!

NWmeet Blogger Event Flat Lay Goody Bag

Katy, being the total queen that she is, managed to secure so many amazing goodies for our NWMeet bags. It included gifts from L'oreal, Makeup Geek, Tropic skincare, Derma V10, Lilash, Elegant Touch, MOA,  and so so so many more that I haven't even listed.

Honestly, I cannot express how much admiration and appreciation I have for any blogger who puts on a meet-up so a thousand times thank you to Katy for being so fab.


  1. It was so lovely to meet you =]

  2. What a lovely blogger event, I love attending these kind of meet ups as it's such a fab way of meeting other bloggers and chatting to brands. Goodybag is amazing too x

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