
Tuesday 18 October 2016

5 things about small boobs

5 things about small boobs lace teddy fairy lights

According to Donald Trump, I can't ever be a 10 because I'm very flat-chested. Well I've got news for you Trump, that's okay with me because I can be an 11 if I want to be. Donald Trump has said some disturbing and extremely worrying things in his time and throughout this election I keep expecting (or hoping) Ashton Kutcher to pop up telling America they've been Punk'd. A girl can only hope that'll happen, for America's sake. Anyway, enough about politics we're here to talk about my boobs. My teeny tiny boobs.

Being a member of the itty bitty titty committee can be both a blessing and a curse. Some days I wake up with nothing but love for my little boobs and other days I wake up wishing I had a great bust. So here's 5 things about having tiny boobs.

Whenever a celeb is spotted going braless and showing a bit of nipple there's always total uproar in the media. But here's the thing, who cares? It really shouldn't be a big deal. I go braless approximately 5/7 days a week and it's fab. It's so much nicer than wearing an underwired bra that digs into your ribs. Underwire bras are uncomfortable and leave you longing to get home from your full day out just so you can rip your bra off the second you get through the front door. Speaking of which, I probably couldn't tell you the last time I wore a bra with underwire. Can we rejoice over the fact that not wearing a bra is amazing and girls should be applauded, not shamed, for choosing to go braless?

When I'm not going bra-free, I'm likely wearing pretty lace lingerie. I absolutely adore triangle bras and their simplistic beauty. I'm eternally grateful for my flat chest simply because it means I can wear cute triangle bras. I'm a sucker for pretty lingerie. Whilst I may not be able to pick up a super sultry lingerie set designed for girls with a bit of cleavage, I can get a delicate lace bra. And in all honestly, lace bras make me feel pretty damn fierce.

Admittedly, some mornings I wake up wishing I had bigger boobs. I'd be lying if I said I didn't. I've thought about getting breast augmentation countless times. If money was no object, I probably would have done so already. So this is just a simple reminder than my boobs are small, but they're also cute and perky so like, that's a good thing right? There are some benefits to having tiny boobs such as their perkiness or the fact I can happily lay on my stomach in bed, go running without a sports bra and not having to worry about backache. So let me remind you, it ain't all bad having bee stings.

There are sooo many outfits that are out of bounds for me because, well, they require boobs. I can't count the number of dresses I own but have never worn for this reason alone. But on the flipside, I don't have to worry about my shirt button popping open or my top bunching or any of the other clothing troubles big-boobed girls go through. There's a silver lining to every cloud! Yes, some outfits may be out of bounds for me and my tiny breasts. But other outfits look killer on me. It's just a matter of trial and error, learning what suits your body type and feeling confident in whatever you throw on in the morning.

The main thing about having tiny boobs is being okay with that. Media is constantly telling us how we should be striving towards achievable body ideals. Sure, some days I may wake up wishing I looked like Jessica Rabbit or Angelina Jolie but that's not going to happen anytime soon in this reality. It's time to start appreciating the reflection you see in the mirror. Ex-boyfriends may poke fun at your tiny chest leaving you feeling conscious and friends with C-cup boobs will complain about being flat-chested leaving you and your little 32As eyerolling to the max. But that's life. It can be hard to love something about yourself when you're constantly being taught that it's not attractive. So here I am to say that I love my small boobs and all the highs and lows that come with them. Similarly, you should be proud of your girls too- no matter what size or shape they are.


  1. I can't tell you the amount of times that I've been ashamed of my boobs. I have a love/hate relationship with them and even though I tell myself to be strong and not give a crap about what people think, every time someone mentions it I feel really down. I wish I was as happy with them as you are with yours!

  2. I LOVE this post! I also have teeny tiny boobs and hated them my entire teenage life until I turned 20 and discovered lace triangle bras. I still have a few shaky moments but 90% of the time I'm happy with them and their minuscule size. I MUST know - where did you get the lace body you're wearing in that photo?! It's beautiful!

    Lauren X

  3. Gosh I love this! Being a fashion model it's a funny industry. Different clients want different things and so does the media. Thankfully I've came to love my little boobies but this was a lovely read!! X

  4. "Itty bitty titty committee" really cracked me up! 😂 I love this post so much! I'm also a massive fan of lace lingerie, which I definitely wouldn't be able to get away with if I had larger boobs so that's a perk at least! 🙌🏼 I totally agree that we are all 11s - we don't need your ratings Mr Trump! 😡

    Abbey ✨

  5. This is such a refreshing post to read! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with teeny tiney boobs because of the way the media and society portrays the 'perfect' body - always with big boobs! I totally agree with all your points! Abi |

  6. Love this post! I too love little lace bralette and everywhere now seems to be selling them so there is so much choice!
    Laura x


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